XIAO Zi-han,XING Shi-yao,CHAO Xin,YAN Shi-jie,LIANG Li-ya.Effects of Different Gas Environments on Storage Physiology and Quality of Golden-red Apple[J].Packaging Engineering,2018,39(17):90-96.
Effects of Different Gas Environments on Storage Physiology and Quality of Golden-red Apple
投稿时间:2018-05-03  修订日期:2018-09-10
中文关键词: 金红苹果  贮藏  气调  生理  品质
英文关键词: golden-red apple  storage  modified atmosphere  physiology  quality
肖子寒 1.天津农学院天津 300384 
邢世瑶 1.天津农学院天津 300384 
晁昕 1.天津农学院天津 300384 
闫师杰 1.天津农学院天津 3003842.天津市农副产品深加工技术工程中心天津 300384 
梁丽雅 1.天津农学院天津 3003842.天津市农副产品深加工技术工程中心天津 300384 
      目的 研究在0 ℃条件下,不同气体环境对金红苹果贮藏生理及品质的影响。方法 以金红苹果为实验材料,采用3个气调比例(O2的体积分数均为2%~3%,CO2的体积分数分别为2%~3%,5%~6%,8%~9%)分别处理金红苹果,定期对其相关生理指标进行测定。结果 在贮藏期内,与对照组相比,气调贮藏有效推迟了果实呼吸高峰的出现,显著抑制了乙烯释放速率和呼吸强度的增大;增强了过氧化物酶(POD)活性,降低了多酚氧化酶(PPO)活性;果实硬度得到较好保持,减缓了可滴定酸(TA)含量和可溶性固形物(TSS)含量的下降。其中,O2体积分数为2%~3%和CO2体积分数为2%~3%的气体环境贮藏金红苹果的效果最好,果实肉质坚硬,酸甜适口,色泽红青鲜艳,具有较高的好果率,货架期间感官评分较高。结论 低温贮藏金红苹果最适宜的气体环境为O2体积分数2%~3%、CO2体积分数2%~3%。
      The work aims to study the effects of different gas environments on the storage physiology and quality of golden-red apples at 0 ℃. With golden-red apples as the experimental materials, the golden-red apples were respectively treated by means of 3 modified atmosphere ratios (volume fractions of O2: 2%~3%; volume fractions of CO2: 2%~3%, 5%~6% and 8%~9%) and their relevant physiological indicators were regularly measured. In the storage period, compared with the control group, the modified atmosphere storage effectively delayed the respiratory peak of fruit and inhibited the ethylene production rate and respiratory intensity; strengthened the activity of peroxidase (POD), and reduced the activity of polyphenol oxidase (PPO). The firmness of apples was well maintained, and the decline of TA and TSS contents slowed down. In the gas environment where the volume fractions of O2 and CO2 were 2%~3%, the storage effect was the best, the fruit pulp was hard with sweet and sour taste and bright red and cyan colors, the marketable fruit rate was quite high and the sensory score during the shelf life was high. The optimal gas environment for the low-temperature storage of golden-red apples is the one where the volume fractions of O2 and CO2 are 2%~3%.
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