SHI Jun-yan,GAO Li-pu,ZUO Jin-hua,XIA Chun-li,WANG Qing.Effect of PVC Film and High CO2 Permeability Film Packaging on Preservation of Eggplant[J].Packaging Engineering,2017,38(3):7-11.
Effect of PVC Film and High CO2 Permeability Film Packaging on Preservation of Eggplant
投稿时间:2016-07-05  修订日期:2017-02-10
中文关键词: 茄子  CO2高渗透保鲜膜  PVC膜  外观指数  多酚氧化酶
英文关键词: eggplant  high CO2 permeability film  PVC film  appearance index  PPO
史君彦 北京市农林科学院蔬菜研究中心北京 100097 
高丽朴 北京市农林科学院蔬菜研究中心北京 100097 
左进华 北京市农林科学院蔬菜研究中心北京 100097 
夏春丽 北京市农林科学院蔬菜研究中心北京 100097 
王清 北京市农林科学院蔬菜研究中心北京 100097 
      目的 探究不同保鲜膜包装延长长茄贮藏保鲜的效果。方法 采用CO2高渗透保鲜膜和PVC膜包装“布利塔”长茄,以PE膜包装作为对照,测定其在室温(20±2) ℃贮藏过程中感官品质和生理生化指标的变化规律。结果 PVC膜和CO2高渗透保鲜膜包装均对长茄起到了保鲜效果,2种膜包装可有效地抑制长茄外观指数下降和萼片衰老,控制水分散失,延缓花青素含量的下降和总酚含量的积累,同时抑制PPO活性的升高,进而抑制酶促褐变反应,延缓其衰老。结论 CO2高渗透保鲜膜和PVC膜包装对长茄均起到较好的保鲜效果,其中PVC膜包装的长茄保鲜效果更好。
      The work aims to study the effect of different film packages used to prolong the preservation of long eggplants. The ‘Brigitte’ long eggplant was packaged by high CO2 permeability film and PVC film. With the PE film packaging as the control, the changes of organoleptic quality and physiological and biochemical index were measured in the process of storage at room temperature (20±2) ℃. Both PVC film and high CO2 permeability film packaging could preserve the long eggplant, and they could effectively inhibit the decrease of appearance index and sepal senescence, regulate the loss of water, delay the decrease of anthocyanin and the accumulation of total pheolic content, and restrain the enhancement of PPO activity, which thus inhibited the enzymatic browning reaction and delayed the aging. Both the high CO2 permeability film and PVC film packaging have better effects on long eggplant preservation. However, the effect of the long eggplant preserved with PVC film packaging is better.
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